Summer MinistriesSweet Summertime at HBC!
We are so excited about the upcoming summer opportunities at Heritage. Our prayer is that each class, program, or group that meets will grow in a deeper knowledge of who Christ is, what He has done, and how we can live for Him among our community and the nations.
We also want to encourage each family to be intentional with their time and involvement. – pray for wisdom, be intentional with your decisions, and commit to go deeper with Christ and His church this summer.
Sunday Services
9:00 & 10:30 AMÂ
July 7
Combined Service @ 10:30 AM
July 28
Annual Business Meeting @ 12 PM

The Gathering Summer Series
Join us in the chapel for a weekly time of prayer and study. This summer, our series will be “God Shines Forth: How the Nature of God Shapes and Drives the Mission of the Church”.
Global Kids | 2 yrs – 5th Grade
Global Kids is an exciting, missions-focused ministry for kids, held Wednesday nights during the summer. Our kids in preschool and kindergarten will hear stories about missionaries, and our 1st–5th graders will learn about different cultures around the world and how the good news of Jesus can be shared in these places today. Our 1st–5th graders will also be given opportunities to practice thinking beyond themselves as they learn the significance of the gospel for their own lives and its implications for those around them.Â
Each age will be rotating through all 3 rooms (Korea, Japan, and the Awana room) in the course of the night and end in the gym all together.
The first night of Global Kids is May 29!

Youth | Rising 7th – 12th
Rising 7th graders through graduated seniors are welcome to attend our summer series, Names of God, on Wednesday nights, 6:45 – 8 PM, in the Senior High Room.Â
A name. It is, and has been, one of the most defining markers of a person. That’s true today, and certainly true in the time of the Bible, where names often highlight a person’s character or work. This summer, we are going to travel the pages of Scripture and study some of the names of God, and in our studies take in what these names tell us of who He is and what He has done. Join us this summer as we study from Old Testament and New the names and titles of our God!
You can also check out our calendar of events for the summer!

Together Through the Bible
Season 3 of Together Through the Bible: Prayer and Meditation will come out on June 23! Click here for all available Together Through the Bible resources!
Consider volunteering with one of our local outreach partners this summer!
Click here for a list of partners and information on how to volunteer!

Support & Recovery Groups
GraceCare Support and Recovery Groups provide opportunities for the body of Christ to minister to one another.