Go into all the world

Global Ministries

Our Vision

Heritage Global Ministries exists to discover, equip, and shepherd long-term cross-cultural Goers who love the Gospel and are making reproducing followers of Jesus.


Our Values


The Word of God, illuminated by the Spirit of God, is central in our abiding relationship with God in Christ. In prayer we recognize it is God who begins the work, calls us, empowers us, brings the growth, and accomplishes both redemption and reconciliation. We fast to discipline and focus our hearts and wills on the true Provider of all we need.


We value the efforts made to identify where there is little to no opportunity to hear the gospel and seek to focus our resources on bringing this access to unreached peoples. Our primary focus is on efforts and teams that facilitate the planting of churches that multiply generations of new churches.


We believe there is great benefit and multiplication of effectiveness as Global Workers are sent out in healthy teams. Our love of our Global Workers is expressed in the intentional care and accountability from the Heritage body and its leadership, as well as ongoing equipping to be well prepared for their service. We value standing in partnership with our Global Workers with significant support.


Click below for the full version of the Global Ministries Vision and Values.

Ready to take the next step? Click below for more info.

Global Ministries Vision and Values

Use the link below to learn more about our Vision for taking the gospel to the nations and the Values that guide our efforts toward seeing this vision realized.

Heritage Global Ministries Vision and Values

Global Workers
A Heritage Global Worker is sent out from the local Body of Christ tasked with particular cross-cultural responsibilities of proclaiming Christ, catalyzing discipleship, and encouraging the formation of healthy reproducing churches.

Because we live in an increasingly high-tech world, we do not publish information about our workers. Many of them serve in restricted-access nations and the nature of their work is sensitive.

For updated information on our workers, we encourage you to stop by the Hall of Faith and pick up one of their newsletters or prayer cards.

Pathway to the Nations

The Pathway to the Nations purpose is to develop and equip long-term goers who love the gospel and are making reproducing disciples. Our desire is that those in the Pathway will know and love Jesus more so that they might be unleashed to proclaim Jesus’ Good News and to see His Church planted throughout the world.

Discover Card

To find out more about the Pathway to the nations, please email go@hbclynchburg.com.

Please note: If you have a desire to be a Global Worker sent by Heritage, our leadership has prayerfully established Pathway to the Nations to equip and prepare some of our full members for cross-cultural work. If you are interested in learning more about this, please email go@hbclynchburg.com 

How To Pray for the Nations

D.L. Moody once stated: “Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.” We all have the privilege of participating in earnest prayer for the nations. As such, we want to equip you with resources to specifically intercede for workers and nations around the world. Join us on Wednesday nights at the Gathering in the Chapel at 6:45 pm to engage in the harvest prayer and pray for our global workers.

Joshua Project – Information and statistics pertaining to each and every people group. 

Unreached of The Day – Receive pertinent ways to pray for an unreached people group every day. 

Stratus.Earth – Detailed overview of physical and spiritual needs of every country. 

Prayercast – Prayer videos focused on nations and pertinent global topics. 

Harvest Prayer

Harvest Prayer is an important part of our Wednesday Night Gathering; we weekly hear from one of our sent or supported Global Workers then spend time praying together for the harvest (Matthew 9:37-38).

Global Care Teams

As we strive together to make followers of Jesus Christ by living the gospel life among the nations, we recognize that it will take much intentionality and the various giftings in the body to effectively send and care for our Global Workers. To do this well, Global Care Teams exist to serve alongside the Global Ministries Pastor and Team to provide critical support for our Global Workers as gospel partners.

Join A Global Care Team

Global Care Teams FAQ

Disciple-Making Teams

Disciple-Making Teams are a 10-week training focused on glorifying God by developing healthy disciple-making rhythms in a community to catalyze long-term discipleship efforts in Lynchburg and among the nations. 

Check out the Disciple-Making Team webpage here.

Email go@hbclynchburg.com for any questions you might have.

Short Term Trips

Check out the STMT webpage for more information on short-term trips. For questions or to express interest in participating in a future short-term trip, please email go@hbclynchburg.com.