Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!”  Revelation 5:12

When we consider the love of Christ, as demonstrated on the cross, we cannot help but declare Jesus worthy of our everything. It’s with this heart of worship that we are moved to give of our resources. 

Download devotion on giving

giving is an
act of worship

General Fund & Special Offerings

Mission Trips & Individual Support

Free Financial Resources

Ramsey+, Financial Planning, and more available for you online.

Kroger Cares

Please consider supporting our youth group if you shop at Kroger by signing up today!

Frequently Asked Questions
how can i give?

There are several ways to give:

  • Give online at hbclynchburg.com/giveOnce you have an online giving account established you can text to give at 84321
  • Give via your bank’s online billpay service. You can have your bank mail the check to Heritage Baptist Church, 219 Breezewood Drive, Lynchburg, VA  24502.
  • Mail in your contribution to the church office, or drop it by the office during business hours.

All financial gifts go into our church budget, which is then allocated to various needs and expenses in the church. These include  our church ministries, facilities, missionaries, staff, and much more. 

Find budget details in our Annual Report.

who handles my financial contributions?

Our wonderful counting committee counts the offering every week, and our bookkeeper records contributions for tax purposes. We have a strict confidentiality policy, so your giving is kept extremely secure and private.


Yes, as per IRS guidelines. We’ll send you a contribution statement in January that you may use when filing your taxes


You’ll receive your contribution statement in January. All cash or check giving must be postmarked by December 31.  Contribution statements are sent out via email and mail.

how do i change my information in the system?

If you have recently moved, changed phone numbers, email addresses, or changed your name you can fill out this form and we will update your information in the system.

when are the special offerings?

Two times a year, we have special offerings to help fund special projects or ministries:

  • Easter offering (in March or April)
  • Christmas offering (in December).
what if i have other questions?

Please contact Cindy Ketterling, our bookkeeper. You can email her at bookkeeper@hbclynchburg.com, or call 434.237.6505.