Youth Tomorrow Night at 6:45 PM

Tomorrow night, Dan Kelly will be continuing our series on Respectable Sins and will focus on the sin of envy and jealousy. Dan will discuss areas where we can struggle with jealousy, where jealousy comes from, and what the Bible says about the sin of jealousy. The central point that Dan will focus on is that God gives only good things. We will see you tomorrow night!

Kings Dominion Day on August 11- Registration is Open!

Jr High and Sr High students (rising 7th grade through graduated seniors) are invited to join us for a fun day at Kings Dominion on August 11! Check out the details below!

Date: Friday, August 11
Time: Meet at HBC at 8 AM for check-in and we plan to return around 10 PM.
Cost: $50 for students (includes a transportation fee) $25 for leaders

Important Information:

  • You MUST fill out a 2023/2024 Health Form for your student to participate in this event. This is a new health form for this ministry year.
  • Jr High students (rising 7th, rising 8th grade, and rising 9th grade) will be placed in small groups with a leader throughout the day at Kings Dominion.
  • Bring a packed lunch (we will have coolers) or spending money to buy lunch in the park
  • Bring spending money for dinner outside the park on the way home.
  • Please reach out if you have any questions!

REGISTER HERE! (Deadline is August 9)

Pray for our Tanzania Team- July 18- August 1

Our youth mission team left for Tanzania this morning and will be serving with Vernon and Mary S. for the next two weeks! We would like to invite you to pray through Scripture for this team of 38 students and 14 leaders so please check out the verse and prayer points below.

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Romans 15:5-6

Ministry in Tanzania: The team will be traveling to three schools a day to share the gospel with students, helping build a miniature golf course that will help further long-term ministry in Tanzania, and will be leading a VBS and a sports night for children in local churches. Pray that the team will be unified and focused on Christ as they serve in a variety of ways!

The Team: Pray that the Lord would work in many ways in and through this team and that they would return to Lynchburg with a deeper understanding of God’s heart for the nations and a passion to serve Christ and make Him known wherever He leads them in the future. Pray that the team would abide deeply in Christ, that they would have opportunities to share the gospel with those that they meet, and that they would strive to serve and love one another.

Youth Hospitality Team- August 13

Student Ministries has been invited to help out with the churchwide hospitality team four times throughout 2023! We would love to see many of you serve the church in this way this year!

Our next time serving as a youth group is on Sunday, August 13! 

  • Date: August 13
  • Time:
    • Meet at 8:28 AM in the IP for prayer and instructions
    • First service commitment: 8:45-9:15 am
    • Second service commitment: 10:15-10:45 am
    • By signing up, you are committing to help with both services. However, if you are only able to help with one, please email
  • The deadline to sign up via the Signal Chat is August 6.

If you are not already part of the Signal chat and would like to help out on August 13, please email

Youth Summer 2024 Trip- Israel

A few weeks ago, we announced that our Youth Summer 2024 trip will be to Israel and will be led by Pastor Nathan Smith! Our rising 10th-12th grade students are invited to apply for this trip next summer and applications will open on August 20! More information to come!