Are you ready?

Disciple-Making Teams

What are Disciple-Making Teams?

Disciple-Making Teams are a 10-week training focused on glorifying God by developing healthy disciple-making rhythms in a community to catalyze long-term discipleship efforts in Lynchburg and among the nations. Email for any questions you might have.

Team members encourage one another and keep one another accountable to the following covenant, which is signed at the first “half-time” together.


By God’s grace, I covenant with the other members of my team to:

  • Spend at least three hours with Jesus each week.


  • Spend at least two hours reaching out to the lost each week.


  • Spend at least one hour in prayer for my lost friends and for the world with others of this team each week.


  • Arrive prepared and ready to contribute to the group each weekly Half-time meeting.


  • Begin discipling others within a few months of completing this study.

How They Work

We run 10-week Disciple-Making Teams twice a year (in the Fall and Spring). Before each semester our Mobilizers host a DMT Informational Meeting to give clarity, updates, and answer any questions. Email if you are interested or have any questions.


Each team will read through Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World together as well as work through a related devotional study guide (for your daily abide time). You can order these from Heritage (as long as supplies last) for a discounted rate or from Amazon if you prefer. Please be sure to have both of these books with you at your first meeting. 

Disciple-Making Teams FAQ


Who can be involved? 

Anyone interested in learning, applying, and developing simple disciple-making practices within a like-minded community. You must be able to commit to the team covenant as well. 


What if I need to miss a half-time? 

Going into the 10-week training, you should not plan to miss more than one half-time. If you know from the beginning that you will miss more than one, you should consider participating in a future team at a later time. 


Where will my disciple-making team meet? 

Most half-time and corporate prayer gatherings will meet in homes, though some groups may meet on Heritage’s campus or somewhere else in the community. Teams will make these decisions together. 


When will I know when harvest and prayer times are each week? 

These are planned and scheduled at the end of each half-time with your teammates. Each week may change depending on the needs, opportunities, and make-up of your team. 


I am a parent; what should I expect to do with my kids during half-times? 

Depending on the age of your kids, they are welcome to participate in any or all aspects of half-time. Younger kids can play in another room, and depending on age/number of kids, childcare may be arranged to supervise them while they are playing. 


What if I’ve had little experience connecting with lost people? 

That’s okay! Everyone participating in your team will come with various fears, concerns, and different levels of experience. These teams are meant for you to learn, grow, and put simple tools and rhythms into practice while doing it alongside others. 

Disciple-Making Team Testimonial

My Disciple-Making Team encouraged and challenged me to live all of life on mission. Walks, grocery store visits, volleyball, getting gas, and more all turned into intentional disciple-making efforts. The way that I understand discipleship and evangelism was molded significantly and I made friends and mentors that I will have for a lifetime. By God’s grace, these rhythms have continued for my family far beyond the 10 weeks formally spent with our DMT.

Josiah C.