Christmas Offering 2023

This year’s Christmas Offering aims to empower multiplying efforts of our Global Workers and Partners with a collection of projects, sowing Gospel seeds and training leaders across the Global South.

God has positioned Heritage with the privilege to come along this growing wave of believers, helping to forward the proclamation of Good News and deepen the roots of people in God’s Word as He redeems a people for Himself across this region! 

What will your donation help accomplish?

The Global South has been defined as ‘the nations of the world which are regarded as having a relatively low level of economic and industrial development, and are typically located to the south of more industrialized nations.’ And yet where the Global South has historically seen lower levels of economic and industrial development, it is now the crucible of growth for Christ’s Church!


Goal: $112,000

Africa: Equipping the Next Generation of Global South Preachers

Together with one of Heritage’s Guest Preachers, Conrad Mbewe, and African Christian University funding will provide scholarship opportunities for members of the PREACH program designed to prepare Bible expositors in equipping the churches of sub-Saharan Africa with deep theological grounding for generations!

South Asia: Twelve Church Leader Trainings

Together with Heritage Sent Global Workers, the K family, funding will make possible training in the remote mountainous regions with some of the highest concentrations of unreached people in the world. These trainings will focus on evangelism, church-planting, and leader development for church leaders. Funding helps to offset travel, venue costs, and scholarships to assist churches in sending their leaders to be better equipped.

Middle East : Gospel Proclamation, Bible Introduction, & Love Among Displaced People

Together with Heritage Sent Global Workers, the B, H, & S Families, funding will make possible intentional efforts of the team and their partners to provide direct personal engagement and relief to families displaced in the Middle East. Through a specific number of visits with the permission of families in need, basic resources for relief are provided along with a series of chronological introductions to the Bible and the Good News of Jesus by believers delivering help. Funding provides not only practical material help for the family, but also resourcing needs for the ongoing efforts of training, follow-up, and care provided by the team.

Mexico: Amplifying the Reach of the Good News in Mexico City

Together with Heritage Supported Global Workers, Ed & Annita, funding will advance and amplify continued efforts of the churches to proclaim Christ in the communities around them. In 2024, the church leadership plans to continue expanding the outreach of local churches with special evangelistic events, concerts, and VBSs in parks! Funds from this year’s offering will furnish the believers with logistics, marketing, and material costs needed to expand the impact of their efforts.

South Asia: Outreach Feasts Proclaiming Good News

Together with Heritage Sent Global Workers, the G Family, funding will empower fledgling churches in the rural areas of South Asia to host Christmas feasts in their villages this Christmas! During the celebration, National Church Planters proclaim the Good News that Jesus’ advent brings while increasing good will among the majority people with religious systems typically hostile to believers in Christ.

Eastern Europe: Strengthening Discipleship Multiplication

Together with Heritage Supported Global Workers, Dwight & Melissa, funding will strengthen the follow-up efforts of Romanian and Moldovan partners as they continue to train believers to be equipped in Gospel proclamation. Current events have brought increased opportunities among their near neighbors in Ukraine. Not only will funding help forward training among the peoples of these nations, but also in equipping those Romanians and Moldovans making disciples among the nations of Turkey and Central Asia.