Youth Tomorrow Night // 6:45 PM in the Sr High Room

Tomorrow night, we will be continuing our “Matter Matters” series and will look at the horizontal relationships we have. We will see God has designed us to be physical beings who love our neighbors best when we do in person, not from a distance. 2 John 12 will be our verse to consider that bears out this point, followed by some practical admonitions regarding screen usage when it comes to the relationships we have around us. The push at the end of the night will not be to abandon our tech and screens, but to see the fullness of relationship that is best had in physical, in-person relationships.
Some questions to consider:
  • How has tech aided some of your relationships? How has it hurt?
  • Why is it easier to engage with someone using tech?
  • Why does physically gathering at church matter? More than that, why does full investment while you are here matter?

Sunday Morning Hospitality Team

Student Ministries has been invited to help out with the churchwide hospitality team four times throughout 2023! We would love to see many of you serve the church in this way this year!

Our first time serving as a youth group is on Sunday, February 12! We need to know how many of you can commit to helping, so please register if you are able to help on this date. Please read the info below for additional important information. 

  • Date: February 12
  • Time:
    • Meet at 8:28 AM in the IP for prayer and instructions
    • First service commitment: 8:45-9:15 am
    • Second service commitment: 10:15-10:45 am
    • By signing up, you are committing to help with both services. However, if you are only able to help with one, please email
  • The deadline to sign up is January 29

Trivia Night Save the Date- February 17 and 24!

Save the Date for our second annual Trivia Night Fundraisers on February 17 and February 24! All proceeds from these events will go towards our youth mission trip to Tanzania! More information to come and registration will open this Sunday, January 15!