Youth Tomorrow Night at 6:45 PM

Tomorrow, we look at the final portion of our “TechWise” series, a series that has highlighted the goodness of technology, but also its limitations. Pastor Nathan will address one significant limit that technology could never meet: wisdom. We will look at Job 28 and consider that for all the innovation we have, we cannot by sheer human might acquire wisdom. Wisdom truly begins with the Lord, and a right fear of Him. The series will then finish by laying out how we use tech wisely, specifically looking at screens that so dominate our landscape. 
Some questions to consider:
  • What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge?
  • Why can’t one be wise and not know the Lord?
  • What is something that has stuck out to you in this series on technology?
  • What has changed, or could change moving forward, in your life as you interact with the technological innovations of mankind?

Refinery Cafe- Open Tomorrow Night!

The Refinery Cafe will be open tomorrow night before youth! Check out our April menu below and make sure to bring cash tomorrow if you would like to purchase something!


  • Frozen Chocolate Chip Frappe ($2)
  • Frozen Strawberry Frappes ($2)
  • Assorted snacks and candy ($1)

Milestone 6 Registration is Open!

We invite you to join us in Korea on May 7 from 4 – 6 PM for the sixth milestone in the Pathway of Family Discipleship! There is great harmony and blessing found in the right understanding of biblical manhood and womanhood. Nathan and Janet Puzy will be speaking about the importance of engaging your child over topics of identity and roles within the church, within society as a whole, and within their family. The goal of this seminar is to provide you as parents & caregivers with guidance in speaking and modeling to your kids a Christ-centered identity and the proper roles as men and women of faith.

Youth Hospitality Team- May 14

Student Ministries has been invited to help out with the churchwide hospitality team four times throughout 2023! We would love to see many of you serve the church in this way this year!

Our next time serving as a youth group is on Sunday, May 14! 

  • Date: May 14
  • Time:
    • Meet at 8:28 AM in the IP for prayer and instructions
    • First service commitment: 8:45-9:15 am
    • Second service commitment: 10:15-10:45 am
    • By signing up, you are committing to help with both services. However, if you are only able to help with one, please email
  • The deadline to sign up via the Signal Chat is May 7 

If you are not already part of the Signal chat and would like to help out on May 14, please email