by Chelsea Barnwell | Dec 11, 2023 | Christmas, Featured, Theology, Together Through the Bible
In school, I remember history teachers telling me the importance of learning dates for significant events. One teacher compared key events/dates to fence posts. If you only have horizontal rails, your fence isn’t going to hold together. Certain key events have...
by Mike Crump | Nov 21, 2023 | Christian Life, Featured, Gospel, Theology
In the late eighties, Rich Mullins released a song that became a regular anthem in the church where I grew up. This song spoke about a God who reigns from heaven with wisdom, power, and love. Each verse described a God who spoke creation into existence, held lightning...
by Morgan Hall | Nov 15, 2023 | Christian Life, Featured, Theology, Together Through the Bible
“And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, “We have seen extraordinary things today.” Luke 5:26 When we walk with Jesus, don’t we get a glimpse of extraordinary things? We don’t even realize it at times because we get so...
by Mike Crump | Oct 30, 2023 | Christian Life, Featured, Theology, Together Through the Bible
In Matthew 5 we witness Jesus slowly dismantling multiple misunderstandings about the law. The religious leaders, and many of the people under them, held to a religious practice that placed incredible emphasis on the externals while seeming to neglect the heart...
by Nathan Fox | Oct 31, 2022 | Christian Life, Featured, Gospel, Theology
“Preach the Word.” I’ve often heard this phrase from professors training us who were heading into pastoral ministry, or from individuals now who encourage me prior to me teaching our teens. What I think they really mean are things like “don’t mix...
by G. Family | Oct 31, 2022 | Christian Life, Featured, Gospel, Mission, Theology
If a Christian only exists in arenas with other Christians, it can become hard to see the vast difference between the nature of our God and the world’s sorry attempt of a god in their own image. Our God is utterly unique. He is Triune. Not only is He three in one, as...