Pulling Together

Pulling Together

Throughout the New Testament, the people of God are called to be very intentional towards one another. In fact, our attitudes and actions towards one another are to take on the very nature of Jesus Christ. This is seen clearly in Philippians 2:1-5 when Paul tells the...
Watching God Work

Watching God Work

Last summer I had the privilege of serving as a leader on the student ministries mission trip to New Mexico. On this trip, the students partnered with Ted and Toni Farris to host a VBS for Navajo children in the area. It was such a joy to see how the students’ vigor...
Serving in Hard Places

Serving in Hard Places

A year ago, in July, I was able to be a part of the short-term missions trip to New Mexico. I could never have expected that I would grow as much as I did, both before and during the trip. One of the first things I learned in New Mexico was the utter power of stepping...