Youth Tomorrow Night // 6:45 PM in the Sr High Room

Tomorrow night, Pastor Kent is going to finish our series in Daniel, looking specifically at chapter 6 and the infamous story of Daniel with lions. We will see Daniel’s faith demonstrated over a long period of time, and his trust in the Lord even in the middle of very difficult circumstance. Pastor Kent will then consider with the teens what faith on display means as a witness to the world around us, as we see with Daniel’s faith being on display to the kingdom he found himself in.
Some questions to consider:
  • How would you define faithfulness? What does it look like today practically?
  • Why do you think faithfulness to Christ is met with conflict? What does conflict for the Christian teach us about God, if anything at all?
  • What’s one key takeaway from the Daniel series that can be implemented this week?

Youth STMT Yard Sale- October 1

THIS Saturday, October 1, we will have a Multi-Family Yard Sale from 8 am-12 pm in the IP! Our Youth STMT team will be selling new and used items, household goods,  handmade items, and more! All proceeds will benefit the HBC Youth Mission Team! Come out and support our Tanzania team!!

Youth Drive-In Movie Night- October 14

Jr High and Sr High students and leaders, join us for our “Drive-In” Movie Night on October 14! We will be showing a movie in the gym, serving movie-themed snacks, and will have a hang-out room with games! Some of our small groups will also be participating in a create your own car and dress-up competition!


  • Date: October 14
  • Time: 7-9:30 PM
  • Cost: $5
  • Location: Gym



Reverb- November 4-5

WOL Reverb is an all-night event (in Roanoke this year) packed with tons of fun late-night activities, including the Jump Park, a Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs hockey game, a rally and pizza party, and teaching from a WOL speaker! Leaders and students are invited to join this fun and action-packed event!

Event Details

  • Dates: November 4-5 (Arrive at HBC at 5:30 PM for registration on Friday night. We will arrive back at HBC Saturday morning at 7:30 AM)
  • Early-Bird Cost
    • Students: $60
      • Students who earned WOL Scholarship last year (2021/2022 year) can go to Reverb for FREE! We will apply their scholarship on our end, so all you will need to do is sign them up!
    • Leaders: $25
  •  Please fill out the required HBC Medical Form HERE if you haven’t already.
  • Additional required medical release forms will be sent out via email when we get closer to the date.
  • Bring some extra spending money. A pizza dinner will be provided but served later in the evening. Concessions will be available for purchase throughout the night.


The Early-Bird price for Reverb will end on October 9. After this date, the price will increase for both students and leaders.

Pathway of Family Discipleship- October 16

Parents of graduating seniors, you are invited to join us in the Senior High room for the final milestone in the Pathway of Family Discipleship from 4-6 PM on October 16! Pastor Kent and Tara will share wisdom, experience, and practical tips for preparing your child and yourselves for that post-high school transition to adult life outside your home. Their desire is to equip you to view each day of your child’s senior year with intentionality and prepare them to gracefully launch into independence. We hope you’ll join us!