Youth Tomorrow Night at 6:45 PM
As we continue our series “Lasting Lyrics” tomorrow night, we will look at the Shape of Music. In other words, we will look at how prior to a songwriter pulling together various notes, melodies, harmonies, and rhythms there is… nothing. The songwriter in that way brings beauty into a space of emptiness. In this way, a songwriter is a faint echo of Genesis 1, where God brings beauty into a void space. We will look at the way music’s shape even echoes something of God… that maybe we will appreciate and think not only over the lyrics of music, but even appreciate the way music is constructed just a bit more.
Some questions to consider:
-Have you ever thought about why songwriters or artists arrange songs he way that they do? Why do you think you have key changes, harmonies, and bridges at periodic points in songs?
-Are there songs that not only resonate with in story, but you really love the way it is constructed or put together? Why do you like that particular song?
-What do you find “beautiful”? Specifically for this series, what do you find “beautiful” about music?
-What have you learned so far or thought more of in this series about your music?

Winter Weekend of Awesomeness- Feb 2-4
Instead of going to Pursuit Camp or Intersect Camp this year, we are going to have Winter Weekend of Awesomeness in Lynchburg! This weekend will be filled with an intentional time of focused teaching led by Pastor Joshua Hankins and fun activities throughout the weekend, including a day trip to Roanoke!
- Schedule
- Friday, February 2 // 5:30-10:30 PM (dinner, session #1, and game at HBC)
- Saturday, February 3 // 8:30 AM- 9:30 PM (breakfast, session #2, lunch, sports tournaments/ hang out time, breakout session, dinner, trivia night competition at HBC)
- Sunday, February 4 // 9 AM- 8 PM (session #3 and lunch at HBC, and fun activities and dinner in Roanoke)
- Cost
- Student: $50 (Plus spending money for dinner in Roanoke on Sunday)
- Leader: $25 (Plus spending money for dinner in Roanoke on Sunday)
Please make sure to fill out the 2023/2024 HBC Medical Release Form (if you have not already) for this event.
We have limited spots for this event and the deadline to register is Sunday, January 28. Register HERE!

Trivia Night Registration is Open!
Parents, leaders, and teens, join us for our third annual churchwide Trivia Nights on February 23 and March 1! All proceeds from these two events will go towards this summer’s Youth Mission Trips here in Lynchburg and in Washington, DC!
- February 23 and March 1 from 7-9:30 pm in the HBC International Plaza
- 4-6 people per team (table) – If you don’t have a team, you can still sign up individually, and you’ll join a team that night!
- Make sure EVERYONE on your team registers!
- Be ready to list your team when you register.
- $15 per person
- We are not selling dinner or concessions this year. However, we will be giving every participant a free dessert! Please pick which dessert you would like during the registration!
- Prizes will be given away to the winners of each round and the grand prize winner
Register at the links below!