Youth Tomorrow Night at 6:45 PM

Tomorrow night, Pastor Nathan is beginning a new series for the month of April called “TechWise.” The goal of this series will be to educate our group that the Bible has A LOT to say about technology, and we can turn to the Bible to learn how to utilize our tech biblically. What we are looking at specifically this week is Isaiah 54:16-17 and considering “What is God’s Role in Technology?” We will specifically be looking at how the sovereignty of God oversees man’s inventions, and use of inventions.
Some questions to consider for small groups:
  • What tech advancements have made your life more comfortable? What tech advancements have helped meet needs in your life?
  • What tech advancements are you afraid of for the future?
  • How does God’s providential oversight help us today when we look at the seemingly ever-changing landscape of human technology?
  • What will it look like this week to use your technology well?

Sunday Morning Youth Hospitality Team

Student Ministries has been invited to help out with the churchwide hospitality team four times throughout 2023! We would love to see many of you serve the church in this way this year!

Our next time serving as a youth group is on Sunday, May 14! We need to know how many of you can commit to helping, so please register if you are able to help on this date. Please read the info below for additional important information.

  • Date: May 14
  • Time:
    • Meet at 8:28 AM in the IP for prayer and instructions
    • First service commitment: 8:45-9:15 am
    • Second service commitment: 10:15-10:45 am
    • By signing up, you are committing to help with both services. However, if you are only able to help with one, please email
  • The deadline to sign up is May 7


VBS Volunteer Registration is Open!

We are so excited for the Jerusalem Marketplace VBS this summer from June 5-9! We would love to invite you (students, leaders, and parents) to serve alongisde the church during this week-long event led by our children’s ministry at Heritage! There are a ton of ways to get involved with VBS this summer so make sure to check the link below to see the different volunteer options and to sign up to serve now!