help support hbc youth through
Kroger CaresPlease consider helping our youth raise money by signing up for Kroger Cares today!
Partnering with Kroger Cares
Heritage Baptist Church is partnering with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. If you are already a member of this program, you do not need to sign up again. If you would like to begin supporting our youth through this program, please follow the instructions listed in the “How to Sign Up” section. Every time you shop at Kroger or get gas, a portion of your purchase will go to support HBC and the students going on missions trips.
How to Sign Up:
1. Go to
2. You need to sign in or create an account.
3. If you are creating an account please complete all the fields required.
4. After you sign in or create an account choose the “Enroll Now” button.
5. Enter our Organization number FR611 or Heritage Baptist Church
6. Select Heritage Baptist Church then the “Enroll” button and you will
be connected to our account. Each time you use your Kroger Plus Card
you will be helping our youth missions trips and more!