Youth Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow night, we will finish our “Blessed Assurance” series by evaluating this question: How can I know that I am saved? Specifically, we will be looking at evidences of the changed heart, examining 1 John 2-3 as John lays out for us things to consider as we wonder what should we see if indeed I follow Christ. Tomorrow night is also a snack night!Â
Some Questions to Consider:
-How do we get from “check the box” mentality to willing delight as we follow the Lord?
-We’re told to love the church as an evidence we are in the faith. What’s particularly challenging about loving people?
-Why does waging war against your own personal sin indicate your life has been changed? What personal sins have you waged war against, and what temptations are particular to you (that we can encourage and pray for one another)?
Sunday Series on the Book of Job- Purchase an ESV Scripture Journal!
Jr High and Sr High students, we are beginning a study on the book of Job in January 2024, and are selling ESV Job Scripture Journals!
If you are planning on coming on Sunday mornings, we encourage you to consider pre-ordering an ESV Exodus Scripture Journal to take notes in and to study the book throughout the week.
We are selling regular and illuminated ESV Scripture journals, both for only $5!
Here is a link to both journals so you can see the difference between the two journals:
Regular ESV Journal
Illuminated ESV Journal
Deadline to purchase a book is December 17. The books will be available in January when we begin the series on Job.