student ministries

Weekly 411
Our Student Ministries Weekly 411 is updated every Tuesday with information that is important to you and your student. Check back weekly and stay up-to-date.

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  • Student & Parent Resources


Student Ministries 411- January 21

Youth Tomorrow Night at 6:45 pm

This Wednesday night Pastor Nate will be continuing our series “Death of Death,” looking at the idea of Eternal Life. In a world of continual loss, where even good things change (“die”) as time passes by, how do we not become a cynical people that never love? How do we live a full life now in light of eternity to come? Pastor Nate will address those questions and more, and look specifically at Isaiah 25 as praise is given to the Lord for His swallowing up of death, and the life that we expect to come if we are in Him.


Some questions for small group time could include:

• Can you identify good things, good gifts, in your life? What are they, and what are their limitations?

• What do you think heaven will be like? What do you expect we will do when we are there?

• How can we live as a joyful people right now if heaven feels so far away in our broken world?

Winter Weekend of Awesomeness- January 24-26

We are looking forward to Winter Weekend of Awesomeness THIS Weekend!

Registration has closed, but here is the schedule for the weekend as a reminder!

  • Schedule (All events will be in the Youth Rooms)
    • Friday, January 24 // 6 PM-10:30 PM
    • Saturday, January 25 // 8:30 AM-10:00 PM
    • Sunday, January 26 // only the first service hour at 9 AM

Please remember to fill out the 2024/ 2025 HBC Medical Form HERE (if you have not already done so) for this event.

Trivia Night- February 21 & 28!

Join us for our fourth annual churchwide Trivia Nights on February 21 and 28! All proceeds from these two events will go towards this summer’s two youth trips to Africa!


  • February 21 and February 28 from 7-9:30 pm in the HBC International Plaza
  • 4-6 people per team (table) – If you don’t have a team, you can still sign up individually, and you’ll join a team that night!
    • Make sure EVERYONE on your team registers!
    • Be ready to list your team when you register.
  • $15 per person
  • We are not selling dinner or concessions again this year. However, we will be giving every participant a free dessert! Please pick which dessert you would like during the registration!
  • Prizes will be given away to the winners of each round and the grand prize winner

February 21 Trivia Night- sign up HERE! (deadline is Feb 16)

February 28 Trivia Night- sign up HERE! (deadline is Feb 23)


If spots fill up before the deadline for either date, we will have to close the registration early.