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Nathan Smith - June 30, 2024

Jesus in the Old Testament: Genesis

In this teaching, Pastor Nathan shares many of the images of Jesus in the Old Testament, specifically through the lens of Genesis. This insightful exploration delves into the theological foundations laid by the creation narrative, the anthropological significance of mankind made in God's image, and the devastating impact of the fall. Discover the seeds of hope planted in the early chapters of Genesis, which point to the coming of a Redeemer. Learn about the covenant of grace with Abraham and see how the stories of the patriarchs demonstrate God's unwavering faithfulness. Understand how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of the promises and prophecies found in Genesis, and how this shapes our understanding of redemption and our identity in Christ. This teaching is perfect for those seeking to deepen their knowledge of biblical theology, the continuity of Scripture, and the overarching story of salvation.

From Series: "Jesus in the Old Testament"

A series on the images of Jesus throughout the Old Testament.

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