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Weekly 411
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Student Ministries 411- September 3

Youth Tomorrow at 6:45 pm

Tomorrow night, we will be continuing our series, Asking for a Friend: A Biblical View on Friendship! Matt Case will be teaching and looking at the question: what does it look like to build each other up in the church? Matt will be looking at practical ways to flesh out friendship in the body, with the end result being obeying Christ by edifying and loving one another. 


Questions to Consider:

– What is necessary for the church to build each other up? (This could be character, structure of how we do church, etc)

-How do we do as a youth ministry, or a small group, at building each other up in our friendship?

-What would the results possibly look like if we as a youth group aim to build one another up?


WOL Quiet Time Book Available Now!

WOL Quiet Time book registration is open! Order your student’s book for the year online and you can pick it up on Wednesday nights at the Student Info Desk!

This quiet time is for students that are interested in earning WOL scholarship this year or students that are looking for a quiet time to go through this year. For more information on WOL Scholarship, please read our WOL Scholarship Informational Booklet.

Student- $22
Parent- $22
Small Group Leader- $11

We have two types of quiet time books available for purchase. Please read the description below and click on the attached link to access the inside of the book.

Interactive Quiet Time- Recommended for 7th-8th grade students. Provides a more structured approach to quiet time and prayer by including guiding questions based on scripture. (Click on the blue hyperlink to see what the inside of the book looks like)

Commentary Quiet Time- Recommended for 9th-12th grade students. Give students a daily Scripture reading and commentary, a place to journal what they learned from the passage, and a section to write personal applications each day. (Click on the blue hyperlink to see what the inside of the book looks like)

Purchase your student’s book HERE!